Aesthetic Tooth Filling in Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic: The Final Touch to Your Perfect Smile!
Do you have caries, fractures or cracks in your teeth? Do you not like your smile aesthetically? At Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic, you can both treat your teeth with aesthetic dental fillings by our specialist dentists and give them an aesthetic appearance.
What is aesthetic tooth filling?
Aesthetic dental filling is a dental treatment used to repair tooth decay, broken or cracked teeth and to bring your teeth to the desired shape and colour. Aesthetic dental fillings are made of materials specially designed to preserve the natural appearance of your teeth.
Benefits of aesthetic tooth filling:
- Protects your teeth against decay.
- Repairs your broken or cracked teeth.
- Corrects the shape and colour of your teeth.
- Aesthetically beautifies your smile.
- Protects the function of your teeth.
How is aesthetic tooth filling performed at Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic?
- Your dentist first numbs your tooth.
- After the numbing process is completed, your dentist cleans the decayed or damaged tissue.
- Then your dentist takes the shape of your tooth using special moulds.
- The moulds are sent to the laboratory and filling material suitable for the colour of your tooth is prepared.
- The prepared filling material is placed on your tooth and polished.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about aesthetic tooth filling:
Who can have aesthetic tooth filling?
Aesthetic tooth filling can be applied to every individual who has decay, fracture or crack in their teeth and wants to have an aesthetically more beautiful smile.
How expensive is aesthetic tooth filling?
The price of aesthetic dental filling varies depending on the size of the filling, the material used, the location of the clinic and the patient’s condition. You can call our clinic for a precise price information.
How long does aesthetic tooth filling last?
Aesthetic tooth filling treatment varies depending on the size of the filling and the patient’s condition. The average treatment time is 30-60 minutes.
Is aesthetic tooth filling permanent?
Aesthetic dental fillings are long-lasting if they are properly maintained. Brush your teeth regularly, use dental floss and have regular dental check-ups.
We hope this information has given you a general idea about aesthetic dental filling.
For more information, please call our clinic or consult our specialised dentist.
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