Braces Treatment

Braces Treatment at Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic: Get Your Perfect Smile!

Are crooked teeth upsetting you? At Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic, you can have a perfect smile by straightening your teeth with braces treatment by our expert orthodontists.

What is braces treatment?

Braces treatment is an orthodontic treatment used to correct crooked, separated or prominent teeth. This treatment is carried out by gradually moving the teeth to the desired position by attaching brackets and wires to the teeth.

To whom is braces treatment applied?

  • Patients with crooked, separated or prominent teeth
  • Patients with problems in the bite of their teeth
  • Patients with small or large jaws
  • Patients with facial asymmetry

Types of braces treatment:

  • Metal braces: The most commonly used type of braces. They are sturdy and durable, but not the most aesthetically pleasing option.
  • Clear braces: More aesthetically pleasing than metal braces. However, they can be more fragile than metal braces.
  • Ceramic braces: Both aesthetically pleasing and durable. However, they are more expensive than metal and clear braces.
  • Lingual braces: A type of braces worn on the inside of the teeth. Invisible from the outside, but more difficult to clean and adjust.
  • Invisalign: A type of braces treatment with invisible dental aligners.

How is braces treatment applied?

  • Your orthodontist first takes x-rays and photographs of your teeth.
  • Then he/she creates a 3D model of your teeth.
  • How your teeth will be corrected is planned on the 3D model.
  • Brackets and wires are prepared according to the plan.
  • The brackets are glued to your teeth and the wires are placed on the brackets.
  • The wires are checked periodically and adjusted when necessary.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about braces treatment:

How expensive is braces treatment?

The price of braces treatment varies depending on the type of braces used, the duration of treatment and the location of the clinic. You can call our clinic for a precise price information.

How long does braces treatment last?

Braces treatment varies depending on the condition of the teeth and the severity of the crossbite or tooth gap. The average treatment period is 1-3 years.

What should be considered during braces treatment?

During braces treatment, you should clean the gums and teeth around your brackets and wires well. You should avoid hard and sticky foods. You should undergo regular orthodontist control.

We hope this information has given you a general idea about braces treatment.

For more information, please call our clinic or consult our expert orthodontist.

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