Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction at Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic: A Painless and Comfortable Experience!

Tooth extraction can be an alarming procedure for many people. At Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic, tooth extraction is performed painlessly and comfortably by our specialist dentists.

Why may tooth extraction be necessary?

    • Tooth decay: Tooth extraction may be necessary if tooth decay is so advanced and damaged that it cannot be treated with fillings or root canal treatment.
    • Gum disease: If gum disease is very advanced and has destroyed the bone and tissues around the teeth, tooth extraction may be necessary.
    • Tooth fracture or cracking: If the tooth fracture or crack is very large and cannot be repaired, tooth extraction may be necessary.
    • Lack of space for teeth in the jawbone: If the teeth are so crowded that there is no room for the jawbone, tooth extraction may be necessary.
    • Impacted teeth: If the teeth are buried under the jawbone and do not erupt normally, tooth extraction may be necessary.

How is tooth extraction performed at Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic?

      • Your dentist first numbs your tooth and gum.

      • After the numbing process is completed, your dentist removes your tooth using special instruments.

      • After the tooth is extracted, your dentist can close your gum with sutures.

    After tooth extraction:

        • You may feel pain and swelling for a while after tooth extraction.

        • Your dentist will prescribe painkillers.

        • Avoid hot and spicy foods and drinks for 24 hours after tooth extraction.

        • Eat soft foods and drink plenty of water.

        • Brush and floss your teeth regularly.

        • If you notice any bleeding or signs of infection in your mouth, contact your dentist immediately.

      To learn more about tooth extraction at Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic:

          • Contact us!

        Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about tooth extraction:

        How long does a tooth extraction take?

        The tooth extraction procedure varies depending on the location of the tooth and how complex the roots are. On average, tooth extraction takes 15-30 minutes.

        Is tooth extraction painful?

        You will not feel any pain after your dentist numbs your tooth. You may feel a slight discomfort during the procedure.

        What should be considered after tooth extraction?

        Avoid hot and spicy foods and drinks for 24 hours after tooth extraction. Eat soft foods and drink plenty of water. Brush your teeth regularly and use dental floss. If you notice any bleeding or signs of infection in your mouth, contact your dentist immediately.

        We hope this information has given you a general idea about tooth extraction.

        For more information, please call our clinic or consult our specialised dentist.

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