Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic Invests in the Future with Sapling Donation!
As Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic, we take responsibility not only for your dental health but also for a more livable world. For this reason, we invest in the future with our sapling donation campaign for every patient who has implants.
Why do we donate saplings?
- Contributing to the environment: Forests are the lungs of our world. They clean the air, protect water resources and ensure biodiversity. By donating saplings, we help protect these valuable resources.
- To leave a healthy world for future generations: We must act now so that our children and grandchildren can live in clean air and a healthy environment. By donating saplings, we give them the chance to leave a better world.
- Contributing to a sustainable future: Forests also play an important role in combating climate change. By donating saplings, we help reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.
- Each sapling is an investment in the future. By contributing to this meaningful project, you can take a step towards a greener and more livable world.
Let’s build a better future together!
#YalovaGazidentDişKliniği #FidanBağışı #GeleceğeYatırım #Sürdürülebilirlik #Çevre #SosyalSorumluluk

With Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic, the dental health of the little ones is safe!
As Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic, we care about the dental health of not only adults but also the little ones. For this reason, we organise dental health seminars in kindergartens and nurseries to teach children basic dental care skills such as brushing and flossing.
Why do we organise dental health seminars?
- Early diagnosis and treatment: Dental problems such as tooth decay and gum diseases are more common in childhood. With early diagnosis and treatment, we can prevent these problems and prevent tooth loss.
- To gain healthy eating habits: Proper nutrition is very important for dental health. In our seminars, we inform children about which foods they should consume and which ones they should avoid for dental health.
- Overcoming fear of the dentist: Most children are afraid of the dentist. In our seminars, we help children overcome their fear of the dentist by explaining how the dentist works and how dental treatment is carried out.
- To teach basic dental care skills such as brushing and flossing: We help children maintain their dental health by teaching them basic dental care skills such as brushing and flossing.
What do we do in the seminars we organise in kindergartens and nurseries?
- We make presentations suitable for the age group: In our seminars, we make presentations suitable for the age group of children and ensure that they easily understand the information about dental health.
- We organise fun and interactive activities: We organise fun and interactive activities such as songs, games and stories to engage children.
- Introducing dental equipment: We introduce children to dental equipment and show them how dental treatment is carried out.
- We teach basic dental care skills such as brushing and flossing: We teach children basic dental care skills such as brushing and flossing.
Please contact us for information about dental health seminars for our kindergartens and nurseries.
The dental health of the little ones is safe with Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic!
#YalovaGazidentDişKliniği #DişSağlığıSemineri #Kindergarten #Kindergarten #DişSağlığı #Children #ErkenTeşagnosis #Treatment #HealthyNutrition #DişHekimiKorkusu #DişF brushing #Dişİpi #Education #Bilinçlendirme

Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic Saves Lives with Blood Donation to Red Crescent!
In these days when social solidarity is more important than ever, we, as Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic, continue to support those in need by donating blood to the Red Crescent.
We are excited to make a small contribution on behalf of our brand, especially to find a solution to the increasing need for blood during the Covid-19 process.
With the incredible feeling of saving three lives with each blood donation, we contribute to this meaningful project with the support of all our employees in our branches.
Because Goodness is in our blood!
You can also save lives by participating in Yalova Red Crescent Blood Donation Campaigns!
Remember, every blood donation saves a life!
Let’s donate blood for a healthier Yalova together with Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic!
#YalovaGazidentDişKliniği #KanBağışı #HayatKurtar #Health #Solidarity #SocialResponsibility #BirlikteMoreGüçlüyüz #Yalova #Kizilay