Smile Design

Smile Design in Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic: Get the Smile of Your Dreams!

Has it always been your dream to have a perfect smile? At Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic, smile design services are provided by our specialist dentists. Smile design is a procedure to determine the most suitable smile for you and to realise this smile.

How is smile design done?

  • During your first consultation with your dentist, the condition of your teeth, your face shape and your smile line are evaluated.
  • Your photos are taken and digital models are created.
  • Different smile options are tried and the most suitable smile is determined.
  • Necessary treatments are planned and applied.

With smile design:

  • You can whiten the colour of your teeth.
  • You can correct the shape of your teeth.
  • You can correct the alignment of your teeth.
  • You can complete your missing teeth.
  • You can beautify the appearance of your gums.

To learn more about smile design at Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic:

  • Contact us !

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about smile design:

Who can have a smile makeover?

Smile design can be applied to any individual who does not have tooth decay, gum disease or other dental problems and wants to have an aesthetic smile.

How expensive is a smile design?

The price of smile design varies depending on the material used, the treatment method, the location of the clinic and the patient’s condition. You can call our clinic for a precise price information.

How long does a smile design take?

Smile design treatment varies depending on the patient’s condition and the treatment method used. The average treatment time is 2-4 weeks.

Is smile design permanent?

Smile design is long-lasting if it is properly maintained. Brush your teeth regularly, use dental floss and have regular dental check-ups.

We hope this information has given you a general idea about smile design.

For more information, please call our clinic or consult our specialised dentist.

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