All On Four

All-on-Four Treatment at Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic: Full Smile with 4 Implants!

Having missing teeth is not only an aesthetic problem, but it can also negatively affect your life in many aspects such as chewing, speaking and self-confidence. In Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic, fixed prosthesis application is performed on 4 implants with All-on-Four treatment by our expert implant dentists.

All-on-Four treatment is an implant method used to quickly and comfortably apply complete dentures in patients with low jawbone density or toothless patients. In this method, 4 implants are placed in the jawbone and fixed prosthesis is applied on it.

Advantages of All-on-Four treatment:

  • Short treatment time: Within 1 day you can have your teeth back.
  • Few implants: Also suitable for patients with low jawbone density.
  • Painless and comfortable: It is performed under local anaesthesia.
  • High success rate: It is a long-term and reliable treatment.
  • Natural and aesthetic appearance: It provides the closest appearance to real teeth.
  • Functionality: Facilitates chewing and speaking.
  • Increases self-confidence: It allows you to have a more beautiful smile.

All-on-Four treatment at Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic:

  • It is performed by our expert implant dentists in a sterile and comfortable environment.
  • It is applied using computer-aided surgical techniques.
  • The latest technology implants and prosthetic dental materials are used.
  • It is planned and applied individually.

To learn more about All-on-Four treatment at Yalova Gazident Dental Clinic:

  • Contact Us!

All-on-Four tedavisi hakkında sıkça sorulan sorular (SSS):

All-on-Four tedavisi kimlere uygulanabilir?

Dişsiz veya eksik dişli hastalara, çene kemiği yoğunluğu az olan hastalara ve hızlı bir şekilde dişlerine kavuşmak isteyen hastalara All-on-Four tedavisi uygulanabilir.

All-on-Four tedavisi ne kadar pahalıdır?

The price of All-on-Four treatment varies depending on the brand of implant used, the type of prosthesis, the location of the clinic and the patient’s condition. For a precise price information, you should consult an implant dentist.

Does All-on-Four treatment cause pain?

All-on-Four treatment is performed under local anaesthesia. Therefore, you will not feel pain during the treatment. A slight pain may be felt after the treatment, but this pain can be easily controlled with over-the-counter painkillers.

How long does the All-on-Four treatment last?

All-on-Four treatment takes 1-2 hours for one jaw and 2-3 hours for both jaws.

Is it harmful to smoke during All-on-Four treatment?

Smoking in All-on-Four treatment can negatively affect the success of the treatment and shorten the life of the implants. Therefore, it is recommended not to smoke before and after All-on-Four treatment.

We hope this information has given you a general idea about All-on-Four treatment.

For further information, please do not hesitate to consult our implant dentist.

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